wellbeing assessment

Why assess employee resilience and wellbeing?

by Dr Felicity Baker | Ultimate Resilience, UK I Organisational resilience With the pandemic continuing to bring high levels of stress and challenge, employee mental health and wellbeing are at risk. So, what can employers do to protect their people from burnout? We know that understanding the wellbeing needs [...]

2022-03-11T15:24:12+13:00February 7th, 2022|

Rethinking employee wellbeing in 2021

During 2020, an estimated 81% of New Zealand company boards discussed workplace mental health issues – a large spike compared to 2019 where only 62% of boards discussed the mental health of their employees. The discussion around mental health and wellbeing has risen to the forefront of business strategy [...]

2024-11-20T16:47:03+13:00January 26th, 2021|

New Umbrella research on workplace wellbeing

In recognition of World Mental Health Day (10 October), we want to take the opportunity to share our latest research insights on workplace wellbeing with you.  Dr Jeremy Robertson and Amanda Wallis Umbrella Research and Development Team  These research insights came from data collected from 3,000 working New Zealanders [...]

2020-10-08T13:13:45+13:00October 8th, 2020|

Wellington Free Ambulance case study

Wellington Free Ambulance has partnered with Umbrella to provide a number of services. Umbrella has provided resilience training and training in coping with vicarious trauma to frontline staff, as well as ongoing consultation with service managers and the peer support Governance group. Umbrella also recently undertook a specific project [...]

2020-02-24T14:14:19+13:00February 4th, 2020|