Umbrella Wellbeing Report 2024: Mental Safety at Work
In the latest Umbrella Wellbeing Report, we examine psychosocial and psychological safety (or “mental safety”) in workplaces around Aotearoa New Zealand. This research uncovers the crucial links between health and safety and team performance, revealing that mental safety may be both the biggest mental health risk, and opportunity, facing organisations in 2024.

What is mental safety?
In this report, we group psychological and psychosocial safety together as “mental safety”. Mental safety forms the solid grounding for any successful organisational approach to psychological health and safety. Why? Because it represents a value-led commitment to prevent harm and maximise worker participation, rather than being driven by top-down legal compliance alone. This ensures that efforts to fulfil this commitment are sustainable, authentic, and effective.
Without a strong basis of mental safety, strategies and initiatives are bound to fall flat, and harm prevention is severely limited. With it, psychosocial risks are much easier to identify, eliminate and mitigate, leading to greater legal compliance – and stronger, high-performing teams.
Accessing data from thousands of New Zealand workers who completed the Umbrella Wellbeing Assessment over the last two years, we provide business leaders with fresh insights into mental safety at work. Did you know that workers in less psychologically safe teams have 8x higher odds of reporting bullying in the past 6 months, and nearly 6x higher odds of intending to leave their jobs?
Want to know the good part? The very steps that reduce mental harm at work also lend themselves to better team dynamics, stronger wellbeing, and higher performance. Mental safety is too important to get wrong, whichever way you look at it.
Download the report to better understand how you can mitigate the risk and maximise the opportunity– whether at an organisational or managerial level – to reduce bullying, navigate through change, and grow safety at your organisation.
Get in touch if you’d like to find out more about mental safety and how we can help you to meet your health and safety obligations, and boost performance at the same time.
About the data
Research findings are based on survey data collected during 2023 from working New Zealanders (N=7597) in a variety of organisations and industries (e.g., healthcare, utilities, construction and manufacturing, administration and retail).