psychological safety

Trust and mental health

High rates of stress and mental illness in New Zealand workplaces mean there is increasing recognition of the need to protect wellbeing and foster mental health at work. Otherwise, we lose talented staff through stigma, stress and distress, and see team resilience and innovation suffer. Having more skilful conversations, between [...]

2020-02-24T14:27:19+13:00July 27th, 2018|

Preventing vicarious trauma

We recently posted an article about the impact of emotional labour at work – the cost of keeping your “game face” on when the emotion drain at work may be high: Soon after, the Law Institute Victoria put out a press release highlighting the need to recognise the impact [...]

2020-02-24T14:25:20+13:00July 2nd, 2018|

Good mental health underpins workplace health and safety

The new Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 commenced in April 2016 and it requires employers to recognise employees’ mental health when creating safe workplaces. The increased emphasis on mental health alongside physical health and safety is an important step in ensuring better awareness of, and support for, [...]

2022-08-04T13:29:10+12:00May 6th, 2016|