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Harnessing our innate growth mindset by activating both grit and grace

2023-08-01T09:31:00+12:00July 30th, 2020|

Updated August 2023. Please note that recent research has called into question the validity and robustness of growth mindset research (you can read more here). Please keep this in mind as you read this article and be aware of these scientific limitations if you choose to trial any growth mindset interventions yourself. How can psychology [...]

Out the other end of lockdown: What can we take with us?

2020-05-18T09:11:29+12:00May 15th, 2020|

New Zealanders everywhere are rejoicing as we lift COVID-19 restrictions. But, if you have bittersweet feelings about lockdown ending and moving into Level 2, you can count yourself among the many. While the last two months might have been hectic for some (kudos to all you working parents with young kids at home), or [...]

Five tips to strengthen your relationships during isolation

2020-04-07T11:17:13+12:00April 6th, 2020|

“The strongest among us are those who can reach for others” - Dr Sue Johnson Feeling connected to others is an essential human need. Importantly, this connection with people can be highly protective when we are coping with difficult experiences. Researchers such as Barbara Fredrickson and Esther Sternberg have identified that our connections to others [...]

Give yourself a break: Practising self-compassion during isolation

2020-03-27T14:44:16+13:00March 27th, 2020|

In a matter of a few days, it may feel like everything has changed. Suddenly your living room has become your office and your new “colleagues” are the same people you eat, sleep, and spend every waking hour with. Under COVID-19 isolation protocol, we are having to constantly redefine our sense of “normal” — [...]

Taking care of your mental health in response to COVID-19

2021-11-09T13:58:05+13:00March 24th, 2020|

Feeling scared, anxious or worried in response to COVID-19? You are not alone. As human beings we like structure and routine and COVID-19 is causing us disruption and uncertainty. There are a lot of us who are genuinely feeling anxious and worried and our mental health can be impacted. Our brains are hardwired to [...]

Boost your wellbeing with compassion

2020-02-24T14:06:31+13:00October 28th, 2019|

If you are reading this in the midst of a frantic day, you may be thinking swear words in your head. I don’t have time to even catch my breath, how on earth can I fit in compassion?!? Harnessing more compassion for ourselves, and others, may be, however, just the tonic we need to help [...]

Vicarious trauma: a workplace factor that can impact on employee wellbeing

2020-02-24T12:36:02+13:00August 23rd, 2019|

Regular exposure to suffering, hardship or crisis can take its toll on all of us. Whether you’re a firefighter, caregiver, nurse, policy advisor, climate change activist, paramedic, case worker or lawyer, many frontline and helping professions are exposed to some level of trauma – homelessness, child abuse, domestic violence, community tragedies, natural disasters or [...]

Strengthen your strengths

2018-09-07T13:45:56+12:00October 28th, 2017|

WELLBEING ASSESSMENT RESOURCE TOOLKIT WELLBEING ASSESSMENT RESOURCE TOOLKIT RESILIENCE RESILIENCE FLOURISHING Strengthen your strengths Signature strengths are those individual strengths and qualities that come naturally [...]

Self compassion

2018-09-07T13:42:26+12:00October 27th, 2017|