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The science of kindness – Navigating the pandemic together

2020-08-21T09:59:37+12:00August 20th, 2020|

We were recently struck by comments in the media that some individuals felt that the government’s message to “Be kind” felt patronising after all this time. It got us thinking about what kindness is and what it means to us, as a society, and how it is often confusing and misunderstood. Then, during the [...]

Sips of kindness and compassion

2020-02-24T14:08:50+13:00October 8th, 2018|

  Connected, healthy relationships are vital for our wellbeing, and for many of us, our relationships are the foundation of purpose and meaning in our lives. During a recent yin yoga class our wise teacher spoke about bringing “sips of kindness and compassion” to our relationship with ourselves, in order that we might be kinder [...]

Six guiding leadership principles: how to support your team

2022-04-11T10:55:49+12:00March 14th, 2022|

Have you ever reflected on the role you play in supporting your team members in terms of their mental health? Have you considered whether your previous responses to situations have helped a team member feel understood and supported, or alienated and invalidated? We understand that with the business pressures and uncertainties associated with the [...]

Self-compassion: Why it’s important and where to start from

2021-10-15T17:34:02+13:00September 22nd, 2021|

Missed a big work deadline? Said the wrong thing at an important meeting? Forgot to reply to an urgent email? Despite all of our hard work and good intentions, mistakes and failures happen to the best of us. So what do we do when the worst happens? There’s no getting around it, failing at [...]

Connecting this Christmas

2021-08-19T09:47:57+12:00November 27th, 2020|

Christmas time can be really special for some, really tough for others and many other dynamics in between. At Umbrella, we know from our wellbeing assessments with New Zealand organisations that family and personal relationships can be associated with a significant amount of stress for many individuals.  Due to the global pandemic, it is [...]

Recharge your battery this December

2020-12-03T12:20:21+13:00November 27th, 2020|

2020 has been a year of unexpected challenges. No matter your circumstances, this year will have brought uncertainty and complexity to at least some parts of your life. When facing uncertainty, an extra amount of our mental energy is taken up as our brains naturally look to predict and find ways out of the [...]

Keeping the door open for wellbeing conversations

2020-10-30T11:35:16+13:00October 30th, 2020|

How do we have a conversation about wellbeing with someone who doesn’t want to talk about wellbeing? There will be times when people seem to be struggling yet won't accept any help you offer. It's understandable to feel frustrated, distressed and powerless. However, it is important to acknowledge that they are an individual, and [...]

Mental Health Awareness Week 2020: Reflections from the Umbrella team

2020-10-01T15:42:16+13:00October 1st, 2020|

From 21 to 25 September, New Zealanders around the country celebrated Mental Health Awareness Week. It was a fantastic five days full of thinking, reflecting, and celebrating our mental health and wellbeing. It was also full of engaging discussions around how we can grow as individuals, friends, teams, organisations, and as a society that [...]

Mental Health and Wellbeing at Umbrella

2023-08-31T15:18:10+12:00August 25th, 2020|

This Mental Health Awareness Week (18 – 24 September 2023) is a chance to reflect and kōrero about the five ways to wellbeing: take notice, give, be active, connect, and keep learning. Join our free webinars, led by Umbrella psychologists, by registering below. MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK AT UMBRELLA [...]