
Strengthening Relationships

“Who we are and who we become depends, in part, on whom we love.” – Thomas Lewis, A General Theory of Love.   Feeling connected to others is an absolute human need. Social psychologists call this connection “embeddedness”. Holding a strong sense of embeddedness with people who are important to [...]

2020-02-24T14:03:00+13:00September 6th, 2016|

Managing tricky people

In March this year we explained some of the current psychological thinking behind why some people can be “tricky” to work with, and to manage. Read the article here: This is an area we are increasingly assisting our clients with. How do we help? We provide both individual psychological [...]

2020-02-24T14:05:45+13:00August 8th, 2016|

It’s that time of year – boost your motivation

It’s that time of year when many of us are running out of puff and energy.  Winter has set in and the pace and volume of work aren’t letting up. Ironically, while this is the time we most want to be actively using our recovery and resilience skills, running out [...]

2016-07-01T11:06:01+12:00June 30th, 2016|

Building resilient teams – sustaining resilience over time. Part 3 of 3

How do organisations best provide targeted training, appropriate nudges and effective frameworks to strengthen resilience in teams? And ensure that resilience habits and skills are integrated into business-as-usual activities? In part 1 of this series, we highlighted the importance of assessing individual and team resilience before embarking on any resilience [...]

2020-02-24T14:15:40+13:00January 27th, 2016|