
About admin

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So far admin has created 238 blog entries.

Here’s what happens when you take a breather

Here’s what we think happens when you take a breather. And here’s why you should care, according to the latest science. Researchers from the University of California, University of Kentucky, Columbia University, and University of Denver published a paper in 2024 proposing that when we meditate, practise yoga, pray [...]

2025-01-30T13:30:58+13:00January 30th, 2025|

What we need to know about psychological safety

What we need to know about psychological safety Think of an instance you held back in a meeting, because you were unsure if your question was “smart” enough. Perhaps you chose not to give feedback, worried about “rocking the boat” too much. Or maybe you felt the need to [...]

2025-01-21T08:37:29+13:00January 21st, 2025|

“Collective effervescence” for collective wellbeing

As we write this, the holiday season is upon us. These are our tips for getting the best out of time spent with others. But the truth is, these insights will serve you well all year round. Let’s start with a term coined by sociologist Emile Durkheim more than [...]

2024-11-22T14:16:15+13:00November 22nd, 2024|

Top three things you need to know for psychosocial risk management

We spend over a third of our lives at work, and what happens at work profoundly affects both our physical and mental wellbeing. Increasing amounts of evidence show that work-related factors, ranging anywhere from high workloads to poor recognition and reward, can contribute to mental harm in workers. What [...]

2024-10-29T12:43:37+13:00October 29th, 2024|