

We pride ourselves on providing our clients with new knowledge from research. We use our articles, media coverage and newsletters to lead the wellbeing conversation in New Zealand.

Reconnecting with health and safety at work

The relationship between the duty to manage risk and mental health in the workplace When you hear the words “Health and Safety”, what do you think of? For many, it might be site safety [...]

August 27th, 2022|

Tackling stigma of mental illness in the workplace

Despite the increasing conversations around mental illness, its challenges and its importance, the stigma around this topic still remains in various social environments. For New Zealanders, local research suggests that nearly 9 out of [...]

August 22nd, 2022|

Put it into practice

Umbrella can help your organisation put the theory into practice and improve workplace health and wellbeing.  Whether you are looking for workplace mental health or resilience training, coaching, consulting, psychological services or an in-depth wellness assessment and wellbeing program, we can help.  Find out more about what we do.