

We pride ourselves on providing our clients with new knowledge from research. We use our articles, media coverage and newsletters to lead the wellbeing conversation in New Zealand.

Back to school

Sleeping in, beach days, backyard cricket, family games’ nights and the smell of sausages on the barbecue - the quintessential Kiwi summer. These long, hot days, coupled with freedom from routine, makes for parents who [...]

January 30th, 2019|

We’re not there yet

NZ employees are performing poorly on a range of health behaviours  Almost weekly, we see new research confirming the importance of engaging in a range of health habits, for protecting both our physical and [...]

November 30th, 2018|

Plan your December recovery!

With the end of the year fast approaching and the drive to get everything done before the holidays, you may be noticing that your team is starting to run out of puff. Instead of [...]

November 30th, 2018|

Put it into practice

Umbrella can help your organisation put the theory into practice and improve workplace health and wellbeing.  Whether you are looking for workplace mental health or resilience training, coaching, consulting, psychological services or an in-depth wellness assessment and wellbeing program, we can help.  Find out more about what we do.