

We pride ourselves on providing our clients with new knowledge from research. We use our articles, media coverage and newsletters to lead the wellbeing conversation in New Zealand.

Is perfectionism a problem?

Some topics in our work with clients seem to create hearty debate more so than others. One of these topics is perfectionism. As psychologists, we are wary of the negative impacts that holding overly [...]

March 30th, 2019|

Health monitoring needs good data

Guidance from WorkSafe New Zealand regarding the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 highlights that organisations hold a duty of care to monitor the health of their employees and to “identify potential signs of potential [...]

March 1st, 2019|

Why bother with sleep at work

Sleep is increasingly a workplace wellbeing issue. Good sleep boosts our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, which means wecan’t achieve optimal health without taking care of our sleep first. Plus, the impacts of not sleeping [...]

March 1st, 2019|

Reduce your cognitive load

One of the joys of a holiday for me is noticing that my brain is less “busy”. It’s easier to be fully involved in an activity or enjoy time with another person without a million [...]

January 30th, 2019|

Can I change my personality?

A question we often get asked is whether it is possible to actually change one’s personality. This question has interested psychologists for decades, with recent research showing that we are able to shape our [...]

January 30th, 2019|

Put it into practice

Umbrella can help your organisation put the theory into practice and improve workplace health and wellbeing.  Whether you are looking for workplace mental health or resilience training, coaching, consulting, psychological services or an in-depth wellness assessment and wellbeing program, we can help.  Find out more about what we do.