

We pride ourselves on providing our clients with new knowledge from research. We use our articles, media coverage and newsletters to lead the wellbeing conversation in New Zealand.

In search of a good night’s sleep

Written by Jasmine Harding  We often take sleeping well for granted, until we start to have trouble sleeping. Whether short term or chronic, sleep difficulties can have a marked impact on our health, emotional stability, [...]

May 31st, 2019|

Winter Wellbeing

This article by Umbrella’s Managing Director Jacqui Maguire was first published in The NZ Herald 20 May 2019.  As the wind hurls and rain splutters across my windows, reality strikes that winter is truly on its [...]

May 31st, 2019|

Put it into practice

Umbrella can help your organisation put the theory into practice and improve workplace health and wellbeing.  Whether you are looking for workplace mental health or resilience training, coaching, consulting, psychological services or an in-depth wellness assessment and wellbeing program, we can help.  Find out more about what we do.