
Practicing mindfulness at work

Some common barriers to productivity at work and practical mindfulness practices that can help: 1. Lack of concentration and focus Practice paying attention to a single object on your desk, notice every detail of it, the colour, the texture etc and describe them to yourself. This will help train your [...]

2017-03-16T13:34:45+13:00August 31st, 2015|

More reasons to prioritise our physical health and mindfulness

The impact of chronic stress (stress that is excessive and ongoing) has been recognised for some time. More recently, scientists have been uncovering new findings about the impact of chronic stress on the cellular signs of premature ageing and health risks. The focus of this work involves telomeres. These are the [...]

2017-03-20T12:52:13+13:00May 25th, 2015|

Positive Psychology Excercises

Five Positive Psychology Exercises to Try In our experience, the best way to find out which positive psychology exercises are most effective for you is to try them out. You might want to make some notes about how you feel before and after each one. Sometimes you might notice some immediate benefits, [...]

2020-02-24T14:03:53+13:00June 3rd, 2014|

Key organisational trends relevant for people leaders 2014

Media headlines for January often refer to the “post-holiday blues”.  While this might seem a bit extreme, for many people returning to work after an extended holiday is a bit of a shock.  Most of us want to prolong the summer holiday for as long as we can and the [...]

2017-03-16T14:50:50+13:00February 19th, 2014|