Amanda Wallis

Think you can’t do something? Maybe it’s time to think again

Updated August 2023. Please note that recent research has called into question the validity and robustness of growth mindset research (you can read more here). Please keep this in mind as you read this article and be aware of these scientific limitations if you choose to trial any growth mindset [...]

2023-08-01T09:30:19+12:00May 24th, 2021|

Amplifying the wellbeing strengths of working women

It is not always useful to draw definitive lines in the sand when it comes to gender. So many of the differences we find between genders are due to complex social and societal expectations, as opposed to innate differences (as critiques of the “Men are from Mars, women are [...]

2021-04-27T15:04:55+12:00April 27th, 2021|

Neurodiversity in the workplace: Different not less

April is Autism Awareness/Acceptance/Celebration month, making now a good time to talk about neurodiversity in the workplace, as an opportunity for organisations and their people to thrive. Neurodiversity refers to the idea that some brains work quite differently to others and encompasses a range of diagnoses (sometimes referred to [...]

2022-11-18T09:20:24+13:00March 26th, 2021|

Burnout: The who, what, and why – and how do we reduce risk?

Last year, working New Zealanders and Australians reported that they were spending more time working late compared to 2019 (89% of people vs 81%). The biggest barriers to their productivity were high workloads and having to attend too many meetings. In line with this, nearly half of New Zealand [...]

2021-03-01T09:37:00+13:00March 1st, 2021|