Managing Mental Health in the Workplace

Umbrella Arrow
27-28 September 2021 – Wellington CBD

This masterclass is designed to support leaders to effectively and confidently promote and protect mental health in their workplace. 

Join Umbrella’s Registered Clinical Psychologist Dougal Sutherland in this two-day masterclass. Enhance your capability and confidence in supporting your organisation to flourish by promoting positive mental health as well as recognising and managing mental illness. Create a framework and language for talking about mental health that is empowering and proactive, instead of stigmatising and reactive.

How can we help you?

Robust evidence from academic and business case studies link employee resilience and wellbeing with improved employee engagement, creativity and innovation, talent retention and organisational productivity.
In our experience also we can improve business productivity by strengthening the resilience and wellbeing of employees. We partner with our clients in Auckland and Wellington and NZ-wide to design the most effective programs and demonstrate improved business outcomes for them.