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So far admin has created 239 blog entries.

Building resilient teams – strong scaffolding. Part 2 of 3

How do organisations best provide targeted training, appropriate nudges and effective frameworks to strengthen resilience in teams? And ensure that resilience habits and skills are integrated into business-as-usual activities? Last month we highlighted the importance of assessing individual and team resilience before embarking on any resilience development initiatives (see November [...]

2015-12-03T12:02:35+13:00December 3rd, 2015|

Recharge your resilience batteries

Our southern hemisphere tradition of time off work, school and other commitments are ideal for providing us with a block of time to recharge. It can also be a busy time in different ways – more social and family commitments as well as holiday travel and home DIY projects. Keep [...]

2017-02-12T14:13:51+13:00December 3rd, 2015|

Building resilient teams – where do we start? Part 1 of 3

“Resilience is built through the everyday, every minute habits and exercises that punctuate our daily lives” – Linda Grafton, Professor, London Business School Given much of our daily lives is spent at work, how do organisations best provide targeted training, appropriate nudges and clear direction to strengthen resilience in teams? Importantly, [...]

2015-11-04T22:16:22+13:00November 4th, 2015|

New research we like

We are often asked for help to improve procrastination. An excellent study from the University of Colorado recently examined some of the drivers of putting things off. To do this the researchers compared similarities in executive function performance, procrastination proneness and goal failures between identical and non-identical twins. In this [...]

2017-03-16T13:31:15+13:00October 12th, 2015|