
About admin

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So far admin has created 239 blog entries.

Movember: Useful resources

In New Zealand and globally, men are usually less likely than are women to reach out for help when they are struggling. It’s our responsibility to create a culture where all people are supported and empowered to seek help without stigma. With November/Movember just around the corner, our team [...]

2020-10-28T11:47:37+13:00October 27th, 2020|

New Umbrella research on workplace wellbeing

In recognition of World Mental Health Day (10 October), we want to take the opportunity to share our latest research insights on workplace wellbeing with you.  Dr Jeremy Robertson and Amanda Wallis Umbrella Research and Development Team  These research insights came from data collected from 3,000 working New Zealanders [...]

2020-10-08T13:13:45+13:00October 8th, 2020|

Starting a wellbeing conversation with dispersed teams

As we transition in and out of alert levels in New Zealand, and work together with a number of organisations who have teams around the globe still living in lockdown (among other disruptions), the questions around how to support dispersed teams continue. In July, I wrote an article with [...]

2020-10-15T14:42:36+13:00October 1st, 2020|