
About admin

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So far admin has created 239 blog entries.

Rethinking employee wellbeing in 2021

During 2020, an estimated 81% of New Zealand company boards discussed workplace mental health issues – a large spike compared to 2019 where only 62% of boards discussed the mental health of their employees. The discussion around mental health and wellbeing has risen to the forefront of business strategy [...]

2024-11-20T16:47:03+13:00January 26th, 2021|

Connecting this Christmas

Christmas time can be really special for some, really tough for others and many other dynamics in between. At Umbrella, we know from our wellbeing assessments with New Zealand organisations that family and personal relationships can be associated with a significant amount of stress for many individuals.  Due to [...]

2021-08-19T09:47:57+12:00November 27th, 2020|

Recharge your battery this December

2020 has been a year of unexpected challenges. No matter your circumstances, this year will have brought uncertainty and complexity to at least some parts of your life. When facing uncertainty, an extra amount of our mental energy is taken up as our brains naturally look to predict and [...]

2020-12-03T12:20:21+13:00November 27th, 2020|