We are a team of psychologists, researchers and workplace wellbeing experts. Partnering with Aotearoa New Zealand organisations, we help to improve the mental health and resilience of your people.
Workplace Wellbeing Services Provider
Use our mental health expertise and bi-cultural competence to enhance every level of your business
Other ways we can help
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Join our Psychosocial Risk Masterclass
Umbrella Wellbeing and NZISM have designed this masterclass to give you the practical tools, knowledge and support to make a difference in your own workplace. The masterclass comprises a half-day workshop plus a 2-hour follow up online session. Tickets are available across New Zealand.

Umbrella Wellbeing Report 2024: Mental Safety at Work
In the latest Umbrella Wellbeing Report, we examine psychosocial and psychological safety (or “mental safety”) in workplaces around Aotearoa New Zealand. This research uncovers the crucial links between health and safety and team performance, revealing that mental safety may be both the biggest mental health risk, and opportunity, facing organisations in 2024.
On AIR: Newstalk ZB

Dougal Sutherland: The importance of having ‘me-time’ as a parent
March 15th, 2025
Having children is a rewarding experience for many, but it also takes a lot of time and energy. It can be very time consuming, and often leaves parents feeling exhausted, with little time for themselves. And what little time they do get, some parents may feel they’re being selfish. New research shows that mothers who took time out from work and childcare to do things that were fun and pleasurable felt higher levels of vitality – feeling more alert and energised. Dougal Sutherland has a few takeaways from this study.

Dougal Sutherland: Why we need to stop trying to be happy
March 1st, 2025
A recent research article titled “happiness depletes me,” found that trying to be happy (which is defined as striving to experience as much positive emotion as possible and avoid negative emotions) leads to decreased feelings of happiness, and increased levels of loneliness and low energy.

Saturday Morning with Jack Tame Full Show Podcast
February 15th, 2025
On the Saturday Morning with Jack Tame Full Show Podcast for Saturday 15 February 2025, certified Kiwi icon and international supermodel Rachel Hunter joins Jack to catch up about her time back in New Zealand, and the importance of her spiritual side.
And Dougal Sutherland considers the best ways to handle life’s big changes.