We are a team of psychologists, researchers and workplace wellbeing experts. Partnering with Aotearoa New Zealand organisations, we help to improve the mental health and resilience of your people.

Our services

Use our mental health expertise and bi-cultural competence to enhance every level of your business


Get insights into your team’s psychological health. This evidence-based online survey will inform your wellbeing strategy, and provide your people with practical wellbeing resources.


Together we will design an inclusive workplace wellbeing strategy and review your current practices, with ongoing support from our team of organisational psychologists.


Equip your teams and leaders with skills and research-based strategies to spot signs of stress, look after their own and others’ mental health, and promote psychological safety.

Our people

As psychologists and wellbeing experts, we are here to help you improve the work lives of your people. We collaborate with you to put high-quality research into practice, for a happier, more productive workplace.

Browse our library

Here is why you feel drained after a day of not achieving anything

We spend an average of just 47 seconds on any screen before shifting our attention to something else. It then takes, on average, around 25 minutes to bring our attention back to a task after an interruption.

When does banter become bullying?

We’ve all witnessed someone miss the mark on a joke. A well-meaning, but too cutting, remark about someone or something that lands all wrong. We’ve all hopefully witnessed the opposite, too, when a joke lands just right, creating an environment where good-natured banter is thriving.

Work should enable wellbeing, not stand in the way of it

Those who work in health and safety are already familiar with the idea of “making it home healthy and safe”. It’s a well-meaning goal; of course, we want workers to come home unharmed at the end of the working day.

Join our Psychosocial Risk Masterclass

Umbrella Wellbeing and NZISM have designed this masterclass to give you the practical tools, knowledge and support to make a difference in your own workplace. The masterclass comprises a half-day workshop plus a 2-hour follow up online session. Tickets are available across New Zealand.

Umbrella Wellbeing Report 2024: Mental Safety at Work

In the latest Umbrella Wellbeing Report, we examine psychosocial and psychological safety (or “mental safety”) in workplaces around Aotearoa New Zealand. This research uncovers the crucial links between health and safety and team performance, revealing that mental safety may be both the biggest mental health risk, and opportunity, facing organisations in 2024.

Buy our book

This book provides a fresh bi-cultural approach to New Zealanders’ wellbeing. Learn new bite-sized strategies for fostering personal, team and whānau wellbeing to make a ripple in your community.

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Download guides and resources

Check out our free resources developed by our team of psychologists and researchers. There you’ll find strategies for handling stress, uncertainty, remote working, and managing wellbeing.

Looking for a speaker?

Engage one of our inspirational speakers for your conference or team away day. Our presentations and keynotes are often described as a conference highlight.

Dr Dougal Sutherland

Dr Dougal Sutherland speaking at WISE 2024

On AIR: Newstalk ZB

Dougal Sutherland: Breaking down the cost of workplace bullying

May 18th, 2024

Workplace bullying has come with a high price tag. It’s estimated that it costs New Zealand around $1.5 billion a year, 50% of the costs arising from the impact on female workers.

Listen here >

Dougal Sutherland: Ten times as many Kiwis prescribed ADHD medication

May 3rd, 2024

More adult Kiwis are receiving ADHD medicine than ever before. There’s been a tenfold increase in the amount dispensed for adults between 2006 and 2022, today’s Medical Journal study has revealed.

Listen here >

Dr Dougal Sutherland: How to handle change within your organisation

April 6th, 2024

Redundancies and restructures galore are taking place across every sector at the moment, and these changes can have a significant impact on mental health and wellbeing.

Listen here >

Hear from our clients

We are proud to have helped various leading organisations in Auckland, Wellington and throughout New Zealand to thrive, engage and excel.