
Boost your wellbeing with compassion

If you are reading this in the midst of a frantic day, you may be thinking swear words in your head. I don’t have time to even catch my breath, how on earth can I fit in compassion?!? Harnessing more compassion for ourselves, and others, may be, however, just the [...]

2020-02-24T14:06:31+13:00October 28th, 2019|

The value of nature, even in winter

Think back for a moment to when you last spent some time in nature. It may have been a brief walk, or you may have spent a whole weekend in a remote scenic location. Regardless of how long you were there, how did the experience make you feel? What did [...]

2020-02-24T13:53:53+13:00August 23rd, 2019|

Winter Wellbeing

This article by Umbrella’s Managing Director Jacqui Maguire was first published in The NZ Herald 20 May 2019.  As the wind hurls and rain splutters across my windows, reality strikes that winter is truly on its way. Long gone are my balmy strolls along a pohutukawa-lined coastline.  Hollywood has got an [...]

2020-01-29T10:14:10+13:00May 31st, 2019|

Reduce your cognitive load

One of the joys of a holiday for me is noticing that my brain is less “busy”. It’s easier to be fully involved in an activity or enjoy time with another person without a million and one thoughts competing for attention and memory space. Now that most of us are [...]

2020-01-29T10:15:08+13:00January 30th, 2019|