Gaynor Parkin

The value of nature, even in winter

Think back for a moment to when you last spent some time in nature. It may have been a brief walk, or you may have spent a whole weekend in a remote scenic location. Regardless of how long you were there, how did the experience make you feel? What did [...]

2020-02-24T13:53:53+13:00August 23rd, 2019|

How to create real impact from your wellbeing programme

These ideas were originally presented at The Corporate Health and Wellbeing Summit in Auckland March 2019 by our CE Gaynor Parkin A truly successful wellbeing strategy and culture requires engagement from everyone within the organisation. Whether you sit at board level or on the front line, your need to [...]

2020-02-24T12:11:51+13:00June 27th, 2019|

Winter Wellbeing

This article by Umbrella’s Managing Director Jacqui Maguire was first published in The NZ Herald 20 May 2019.  As the wind hurls and rain splutters across my windows, reality strikes that winter is truly on its way. Long gone are my balmy strolls along a pohutukawa-lined coastline.  Hollywood has got an [...]

2020-01-29T10:14:10+13:00May 31st, 2019|